Getting Help

If you are having difficulty, seek help immediately - do not wait until it is too late to recover from falling behind or failing to understand a concept. There are several avenues for you to get help and ask questions, outside of lecture:

  • Attend MTH 165 Study Halls. See below for the schedule. This is exclusively for MTH 165 students and staffed by highly knowledgeable graduate student TAs. Although it is not mandatory, we strongly encourage you to attend; homework problems will be discussed and if you have any questions related to MTH 165 this is a great resource for help. Feel free to come by anytime during the hours listed. Two Study Halls cover the same materials each week, so you only need to attend one Study Hall every week.

  • Attend instructor or TA office hours or schedule an appointment to meet with them.

  • Go to the general math department study hall, open Monday through Thursday from 5pm to 8pm. This general study hall is for all math courses, not just MTH 165. The math department study hall is staffed by graduate students who will answer your questions on a “walk-in” basis. This is also a good place to work on homework and get help.

  • All WeBWorK problems have a button for “Email WeBWorK TA.” Clicking this button allows you to write a message that is emailed to the instructors and a “WeBWorK TA”. The WeBWorK TA will get back to you within a day or so (and maybe sooner). You do not have to copy out the problem, the system automatically does this. It helps if you give some idea of your thought process. Be aware that email sent after 5 PM on Friday night will almost certainly not get a reply before the set closes. Also, note that this should be used for WeBWorK feedback only, if you want to contact your instructor you should email them directly.

  • There will be a MTH 165 study group run by a CETL study group leader. See below for the schedule. CETL study groups are listed at the bottom of the following study group webpage.

Additionally, CETL offers a range a resources; study skills counseling, and individual tutoring. More information can be found at CETL webpage, or by stopping by CETL in 1-154 Dewey Hall, or by calling X5-9049.

  • You can find more information, including how to find a tutor, here.

Weekly schedule of help resources

  • Instructor Office Hours:
    • Prof. Han: MW 1:30-3:00 PM in Hylan 908, or by appointment
    • Prof. Kulkarni: WF 3:00-4:30 PM in Hylan 1001
    • Prof. Zhu: MW 9:30-11:00 AM via Zoom
  • Grad TA Office Hours
    • Iler: Tuesdays 2:00-3:00 PM in Hylan 910
    • Manikoth: Thursdays 5:00-6:00 PM in Hylan 910
  • Math 165 Study Hall
    • Iler: Thursdays 6:30-8:00 PM in Hylan 1106B
    • Manikoth: Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM in Hylan 1106A
  • General Math Study Hall
    • Monday-Thursday 5:00-8:00 PM in Hylan 1104
  • The Learning Center Study Group
    • Mondays 12:30-1:45 PM in Douglass 302, with Tianzi Wu (twu37 at u dot rochester dot edu)
    • Tuesdays 6:15-7:30 PM in Hylan 203, with Kelvin Nguyen (knguy43 at u dot rochester dot edu)
    • Wednesdays 4:50-6:05 PM in Hylan 201, with Kelvin Nguyen
    • You can sign up for Study Groups every week on Blackboard (“Organizations” > “MATH 165-Study Groups” > “Groups”).
    • Study Groups are completely optional and have no impact on your grade.